The effect of food on our bodies is incredible, and we shouldn't forget about our biggest organ - our skin.
Foods that age our skin:
Sweets: Abusing sugar can cause damage not only internally in our bodies, but to our skin too as it activates the process of glycation that destroys the collagen in the skin.
Alcoholic Beverages: The liver is the organ that helps eliminate toxins but overloading on the alcohol accumulates toxins. The accumulation of toxins affects the physical aspect of the skin making problems like rosacea worse and making the skin seem yellowish, more wrinkles and even acne.
Barbecues and burnt meat: Do you like your meat well done? Be very careful with the crunchy crust that forms on meat during cooking. That burnt crust causes the formation of contaminating hydrocarbons that destroy the collagen in our skin. Also red meat contains free radicals that act on our healthy skin cells inhibiting the generation of glycogen. It would be wise to up your consumption of antioxidants.
Salty food: Sodium is necessary for life but in the right amounts. Too much salt is damaging to health; it can cause circulatory and vascular problems. Also, salty foods with an excess of sodium can cause water retention and celulitis.
Energy Drinks: Packed full of sugar and acids and simply not necessary. They are only "considered ok" for professional athletes with a strict training routine.
Caffeine: Present in coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc.. Caffeine is good in moderation but an excess can cause dehydration giving skin an aged look to it.
Trans Fats: Margarine, etc.. Not only do they raise the risk of heart disease, but they are also damaging to the skin. Trans fats cause inflammation and make the skin more vulnerable to the sun's rays.
We should always remember the three simple steps that are important for healthy skin:
Eliminate Toxins from our bodies is fundamental for all our organs and our skin is no different and we have to look after it. Starting each day with a glass of warm (not boiling) water with
lemon in it is perfect. Lemon es a wonderful, natural cleanser, full of Vitamin C and antioxidants, it is a good stimulator of the gallbladder, improves liver function and is a great for motivating digestion.
Celery is a great diuretic, good for the intestines as it is very high in fiber, and it improves blood
circulation. You already know that it is recommended to eat 5-9 portions of fruit and vegetables every day, but just 3 celery stalks substitutes 5 of those portions because of it's high content in fiber and properties such as Vitamin C.
Artichokes eliminate water retention and detoxify the liver. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber, relieve intestinal gases, improve digestion, relieve diarrhea and avoid constipation and are also great for people with IBS. They are low in calories, stimulate bile flow and is one of the best vegetables for detoxing our organisms, what are you waiting for?
Other foods that are wonderful for detoxifying our bodies are:
asparagus, grapes, parsley, tomatoes, pomegranates, onions and apples. The problem is that if I go into detail for all of them, this post will be too long!
The best foods for feeding your skin are:
Carrots: they are a great source of betacarotene which is a precursor to Vitamin A which reduces flabbiness and wrinkles. Other fruits and vegetables that have a red or orange color that provide these same benefits are: peppers, pumpkin, sweet potato, mango and peach.
Tomatoes: just underneath the skin you can find high concentrations of licopene which protects against cell damage from free radicals.
Berries: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries; all of which are high in Vitamin C and flavonoids which means they are incredible antioxidants that stop cell damage and premature aging.
Green leafy vegetables, olive oil and nuts: Swiss Chard, spinach, endives, etc., are very high in Vitamin E that protects cells against oxidative stress. Walnuts, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, etc., reduce cellular oxidation because of their hight content of Vitamin E. They are also rich in copper, which acts like a natural anti-inflammatory.
Bone Broth: Homemade (if possible) bone broth, is a great source of collagen, one serving a day does wonders to strengthen collagen production.
Here the obvious option is
water. We need water to hydrate our bodies on the inside and the outside.. However you really don't need a full 3 liters of water as water is also found in fruit and vegetable, tea and coffee, etc.. But be conscious of how much you DO drink and assess if you think you need to drink more than you actually do.
Cucumber: 96% of a cucumber is water and it is also very low in calories but does offer potassium, Vitamin C and fiber (among other things).
Coconut water: this is an incredible hydrator and also combats the signs of aging, it is great for
digestion and for the skin, as it constructs the skin's membranes leaving it smooth and radiant. BUT, just one serving a day!
Exercise: Exercise is very important for the skin as it gets the blood pumping and improves circulation in all areas. Sweating also helps to clean out the pores. If you don't have time to exercise every day, then one easy habit to get is to just hang your head over the side of the bed for a few minutes when you go to bed at night. This will get the blood moving and help with healing, and regeneration.
I can help you improve your health. If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to