Thursday 28 July 2016

Pomegranates, more than just a pain to peel...

I LOVE and HATE pomegranates.  They are utterly delicious but a total pain to peel.  I have tried every suggestion and watched endless videos on YouTube as to how to peel them, and I still make a mess of it.  However, there is one truth: pomegranates are worth the effort.

They are also the "it" fruit of the moment.  But they are also extremely healthy, Swiss scientists suggest that pomegranates may be capable of strengthening aging muscles and add years to your life.

Pomegranates have high concentrations of ellagitannins which our gut bacteria turn into a compound called urolithin A which helps keep the mitochondria in our cells charged.

Although it is too early to tell if the effect would be the same in humans, but mice and worms given urolithin A lived longer and ran further, in laboratory tests.

But pomegranates have more to offer than this, including fighting cancer.  According to a small study from 2006, researchers at the University of California found that drinking 227ml of pomegranate juice daily significantly slowed the progression of prostate cancer, it is thought that urolithins block cancer cell growth.

A current small U.S. study involving 30 patients is studying whether supplements containing pomegranate extract can prevent prostate cancer spreading.  Another small study from 2004 suggests that a glass a day of pomegranate juice may reduce cholesterol build-up and damage in patients with narrowed arteries.

More recent studies suggest that a certain compound in pomegranates helps boost memory, enhances exercise performance, improves blood pressure, strengthens bones and helps prevent Alzheimer's due to its anti-inflammatory properties.  These anti-inflammatory properties could also help with other health issues such as Parkinson's and rheumatoid arthritis.

However, most of this information is obtained from numerous lab trials on animals and has yet to be tested in humans.

But, what we do know is that pomegranates contain antioxidants which can help protect against damaging free radicals which means this fruit may protect against age-related diseases.

But eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables will boost your antioxidant level and all berries are high in antioxidants, not just pomegranates.

By all means, go to town on pomegranates, but don't juice them or any other fruit for that matter.  Juicing removes the healthy fiber and turns healthy fruits and vegetables into flavored sugar water!

I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lucy ,
    The informative Article on Pomegranates, more than just a pain to peelis nice.It give detail information Pomegranates Thanks for Sharing the information about it.fruitsgogo app
