Natural Flavor:
You're probably thinking that there's no problem with this one as it has the word "natural" in it, which would lead any member of the general public to believe that it is harmless for human consumption. However, natural flavors hardly differ from other artificial flavors. Both natural and artificial flavorings are synthesized in laboratories and often use hexane - a toxic component of gasoline. The FDA does not require labeling of trace ingredients, so the sources often remain a mystery to consumers.
Some natural flavors contain perfectly harmless ingredients such as spice and tamarind extracts. However, there are more harmful components such as castoreum, or excretions from a gland near the rear end of a beaver! Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG, is quite often and surprisingly found in many organic food products. MSG is a flavor enhancer which has been linked to obesity and behavioral disorders, this is quite often disguised on labels as "yeast extract" or "soy protein isolate".
Artificial Colors:
In order to make foods and drinks appear attractive and healthy, petroleum-derived synthetic food dyes are commonly used. The FDA requires food manufacturers to list all synthetic color additives, such as Blue 2 or Yellow 6, by name on labels for ingredients, as well as two allergenic colorings, carmine and cochineal extract, which are made from insects. However, other colorings are allowed to be listed as "artificial colors", "color added" or similar terminology. What we do know, is that many artificial colorings have been linked to hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADD) and also for being carcinogenic. In a report published in 2010, the Center for Science in the Public Interest stated that many food colorings have not been properly tested for safety, yet they are widely used and often undisclosed.
Flavor Packs:
I had never heard of these until recently. Largely engineered from synthesized pulp, peel and orange essences, flavor packs are used to reinvigorate pasteurized orange juice after it has been stored for UP TO A YEAR in air tight containers. For over 30 years, manufacturers have used flavor packs to infuse juice with flavor that has been lost during the storage process. However, due to a loophole in the FDA labeling laws you will quite often find the words "100% pure and natural" on the label. Formulas for flavor packs are proprietary, which means the consumers have little of no idea of what they are drinking. If you want juice, make it fresh at home and drink straight away before the vitamins are lost and the sugar ferments.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
These seem to be on everybody's mind lately - and so they should be. We all know the dangers - or at least we should, of GMOs and the despicable behavior of Monsanto and those that support the use of GMOs in our foods. GMOs are found in nearly 80% of American processed foods and are produced when genes from one plant or animal are inserted into another plant or animal to create desirable changes. Almost 90% of conventionally grown corn, canola, soybean and sugar beet crops have been genetically modified. If you add that to the dairy produce obtained from cows that have been treated with the genetically engineered hormone rBGH, and meat and eggs from animals fed genetically modified feed there is no end to our exposure to this multi billion dollar business. Multi billion dollar business for Monsanto at least!
There have been no long-term safety studies on GMOs, and the few short-term studies have indicated serious concerns related to infertility and immune problems. If you want to avoid GMO foods, you must buy produce, dairy and meats with the "USDA Organic" label; avoid all processed foods and high-fructose corn syrup and look for the "Non-GMO Project Verified" seal.
Bisphenol A (BPA)
By now you might remember a post I wrote back in February about how healthy your may or may not be. This included a section on Bisphenol A (BPA) which is a plastic hardener used in the lining of cans, plastic bottles and cash-register receipts. BPA has been linked to increased rates of heart disease, cancer and, believe it or not, sexual dysfunction, unfortunately children are at a greater risk from this chemical. However, there are several companies that are beginning to phase out BPA linings in their cans: Natural Factor, Native Forest and Eden Organic.
Unfortunately in March 2012, the FDA rejected a petition from the Natural Resources Defense Council calling for a ban on products containing BPA, the FDA ruled that "theres is not compelling scientific evidence to justify new restrictions". Meanwhile, nearly all Americans have traces of BPA in their urine samples.
Social Nutrition:
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