Thursday, 1 May 2014

The F.I.T. Method

My story:

I am a Clinical Nutritionist and Dietitian.  I suffered from severe headaches for years - and I mean years.  If you add to that the fact that I am allergic to Asprin, all Non Steroid Anti inflammatories (NSAIDs) - this means Ibuprofen, etc and Nolotil (metamizol - a painkiller which isn't even available on the American market, which means it isn't a great choice of painkiller)... which left me with only paracetamol as a painkiller.  I was taking up to 3g of paracetamol a day and there were days I had to stay in bed.  I never even stopped to think that my headaches could be related to food.  So went to see a specialist.  He told me that my headaches were due to stress.  Yes, there was a lot of stress in my life, I was a single mother with a full time job and a difficult personal situation.  The only solution the specialist gave me was: "You have to go and float in a pool and relax."  At this stage I burst out laughing, as if I had time to float in a pool, as I said, I had a full time job, a 5 year old daughter and no back up - when was I going to have time to float in a pool?

So I carried on with my 3g of paracetamol every day - putting my kidneys and liver at high risk and consequently my health.  Then I started investigating the effects of food on our bodies and how even foods that are considered HEALTHY seemed to have negative effects on people,

"Oh I can't eat that," people would say, "It gives me indigestion."

And I began to put two and two together... I researched food allergies and knew I didn't have an allergy as there were none of the reactions I had experienced to medicines; rash, bloating, breathing problems, etc...  So I started reading up on food intolerances.  I found a clinic that did a blood test to determine which foods my body could not handle, and I was very surprised with the results:

My food intolerance results:
  • Garlic
  • Almonds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Mushrooms
  • Plums
  • Frijoles
  • Eggs
  • White beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Peanuts
  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Bananas
  • Soy
  • Grapes
Well that knocked me for six!  If you talk to any nutritionist they will tell you that the healthy foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, etc) and nuts!!!!!  And here I was with intolerances to the HEALTHY stuff!

My first reaction was, how the hell can I live in Spain and NOT eat GARLIC???????  Apples and bananas were not my favorite foods so that was ok, but having already been diagnosed with lactose intolerance I had been drinking soy milk for years - everyday!  Mushrooms and eggs were one of my favorite things and a mushroom omelette was a staple for me.  I was shocked.  So I decided to devise a plan, I had to see if there was anything that I could do to improve my headaches and digestive health with the proof I held in my hand that these foods were doing me no good at all.  I have always believed in modern medicine and if my blood was telling me I had a problem, then there was no reason to doubt it.

So, I decided to eliminate these things from my diet for a minimum of 3 months and to see what happened.  However, I also devised a diet plan to go with the elimination of these foods (I had just had a baby a few months before and needed to lose that extra baby weight!).

So, I radically quit everything on the above list starting on a Monday.  For the first few days I had the most horrendous headache that not even the paracetamol could lessen and my gas seemed to get worse!  I stuck to the healthy eating plan I had devised and decided to give it at least a week to see what would happen.  

Suddenly on day 5 a miracle happened.  I had no headache, any bloating and water retention had disappeared literally overnight, I had no gas that day - at all and I was really really hungry.  I still stuck to the healthy eating plan, but did not limit the QUANTITY of what I could eat.  Suddenly I was eating MORE than I had done for years!  These were the benefits I noted:
  • No headaches
  • No gas
  • Regular bowel movements
  • No bloating
  • No water retention
  • Better quality of sleep
  • More energy
In the two months that followed I lost just over 10kilos - eating more than I had ever done before - and enjoying it too!  There was no feeling of having eaten too much, I could hardly feel my stomach at all such was the efficiency of my digestion.  My headaches were due to the SOY, and suddenly I was headache and paracetamol free!  This was the most amazing feeling in the world!

The F.I.T Method:

At the same time as writing this blog every week, I also have a clinic where I havebeen treating patients for a whole host of problems; weight issues, digestive problems, people with minor health issues that can be resolved through diet.  It is a side of me that I haven't publicized much - until now.

Motivated by my own experience, the knowledge I have acquired over the years treating my patients, and information available from blood tests and a lot of investigation on the effects of food on the human body, I have created the F.I.T Method.

What is the F.I.T. Method?  F.I.T. stands for Food Intolerance Technology.  The Method consists of:

  • An extensive blood analysis that determines which foods the patient's body can not manage correctly.
  • An analysis of the patient's lifestyle.
  • A report that includes what the patient CAN NOT eat, what he/she CAN eat and HOW he/she is going to eat it, and ways to improve their lifestyle and improve their health.
  • Follow up on progress.
The F.I.T Method is personalized and tailor made for each individual, it is only YOUR blood and lifestyle that determines what your plan is and in 90% of cases (depending on what your goals are) the QUANTITY of what you CAN eat is NOT RESTRICTED.  As I said before, the benefits of the F.I.T Method are:
  • More energy
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Better digestive function on all levels.

Food Intolerances cause inflammation of the digestive system, this means that it is extremely difficult for the body to assimilate the nutrients it receives correctly - leading to deficiencies and illness.  These symptoms are the body's way of begging for help and relief to the problems.

Food Intolerances are not food allergies.  A food allergy can be life threatening, food intolerances just make everyday life less enjoyable and are the cause of many minor ailments that people have come to believe are normal.
Symptoms of a Food Intolerance:
  • Lethargy
  • Bloating/ intestinal gas
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches/ migraines
  • Obesity
  • Weight gain
  • Digestive pain/ indigestion
  • Acid refulx  
  • Feeling full when you have eaten little
  • Impossibility to lose weight
Motivated by my own personal experience I began to suggest trying this method to my patients.  Every one of them that has tried this has had enormous success in controlling their weight and improving digestive problems.  

I have also noted that migraines improve by about 70%. There is no cure for migraines, but what people experience through this method is an improvement; the attacks are less frequent and less intense leading to less medication and recovery after an attack is much quicker.  Even people with psoriasis have noticed an improvement in their ailment - some even have noted that their psoriasis has disappeared.  

The added bonus is that the weight literally just drops off.

My Dad:

I think my biggest achievement was with my own father.  My father has been obese for years, he ate too much, he drank too much and took no exercise.  Obviously with that kind of lifestyle he developed type 2 diabetes and has the beginning of heart disease.  I have preached to him for years about diet, but his usual reaction was,

"You're my daughter... what do you know?"  The fact that I have 2 degrees and a speciality didn't wash with him - I was still his little girl!

However, in March 2012 he came to visit and finally admitted that he needed help.  His diabetes specialist had given him 3 months to lose a minimum of 7 kilos or he would have to take insulin.  I was horrified... at the age of 70 going on insulin is a slippery slope downhill... I was scared.  But I decided to do what I could, if he would do everything I said.  He agreed.

We went to do the blood test, and I asked the clinic to do a regular check-up at the same time.  It took a while for the tests to come back, and by then he was back in the UK.  I was equally shocked by his results... 

On an empty stomach and medicated for his diabetes his blood sugar level was at 200 (max 110 on the Spanish system).  His cholesterol was also high... we had a lot of work to do and very little time to do it!

He was a fairly good patient.  He did the diet about 80% of the time for the next 2 months.  After that he went back to his specialist.  

The results:

He had lost 6.5 kilos in two months, his blood sugar levels were normal and his cholesterol had come down.  He sent me a very moving email, he said his doctor could not believe the improvement in such a short space of time and not only was he not being prescribed insulin but his actual medication was being REDUCED.  Yes, he still needs to lose weight, but the benefits from the F.I.T Method were immediate and long lasting and on all levels.

Other experiences:

I have to say, that at the same time my father did this, his wife joined in out of solidarity.  She is a naturally thin person but suffers from migraines and daily headaches.  She actually said to me recently that she no longer wakes up every morning with a headache as she used to - and that alone was enough to make her a believer.

Another one of my patients had suffered from acid reflux for years and had a persistent cough that she put down to her smoking.  After just a month doing the F.I.T Method she dropped two dress sizes, her acid reflux disappeared and her cough did too.

Another one of my patients was a man in his late 40s who came to me weighing 140k!  He lost 6k in the first 18 days and has persevered to lower his weight to under 100k and has kept if off.
So, if you want to improve your health and lose any extra weight easily, all you have to do is to get in touch with me via email: and we can set up a meeting either in person or via skype or hangout.  You will see the results within the FIRST FEW DAYS.

F.I.T Method:

  • Scientific method
  • Immediate guaranteed results
  • Improvement in general health
  • Personalized method

I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to

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