Thursday, 31 July 2014

The NO sugar fad

Yes... I have spoken many times about the dangers of sugar in the diet, and they are true.  Sugar causes obesity and a whole host of other problems such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cancer, to name but a few.  There is a huge anti sugar movement going on with the United Nations warning that sugar is the "new tobacco" and lots of people are radically cutting all forms of sugar from their diets.

I would like to stress that the no sugar focus should be on REFINED SUGAR and ADDED SUGAR.  Naturally occurring sugars in fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals are a necessity for the body.  After all the brain needs glucose to function properly and the body needs a certain amount for energy.

The problem with sugar is that over the past couple of decades it has been silently added to so many products you'd probably be very surprised.  Mass produced foods such as bread, bacon, hot dogs, potato chips, salad dressings, juices, etc all have added sugar, even low fat processed foods have added sugar as sugar does not CONTAIN fat.  When fat is removed from a food to make it low or no fat a lot of taste is also removed so the manufacturers add sugar and salt to make it more palatable.  Sugar also extends the shelf life of lots of processed foods.  And then of course there are the sweets, chocolate, biscuits, desserts, etc., which we all know are packed full of sugar.

This is the sugar you need to eliminate from your diet.  I challenge you to go to your kitchen and check the foods you have stored there and see just how many contain sugar.  You should also remember when reading an ingredient list on a food package that the ingredients are listed in order of quantity starting with the most and continuing down the list as the amount decreases.  So, if sugar is listed as one of the top 3 ingredients this means there's a lot of sugar in it.

Mother nature has a way of supplying all our bodily needs.  As I have said many times before eating natural whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, etc., and healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and even organic butter are what the body needs.  We are omnivores (don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking vegetarians or vegans) and should have a diet that is as varied as possible.  Our diets should be primarily plant based with just a little animal protein - we really don't need as much animal protein as we are accustomed to eating.  In fact, if you read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD you will discover that we only need our diet to contain 5% protein from animal sources.  Now plant protein, that's a different matter!

As I have often said before, our digestive systems have not changed in 10,000 years yet our eating habits have changed beyond recognition.  10,000 years ago our ancestors the hunter-gatherers ate what they could gather - fruit, vegetables, nuts mostly, and every now and again they would be able to catch an animal for meat.  They would then pretty much have to gorge on meat for a day or two as there was no way of preserving it, before returning to their diet of fruits, vegetables and nuts.

I don't believe in exclusion diets unless there is a medical issue.  I would never recommend a gluten free diet to a person unless, of course, the were diagnosed with Celiac Disease or had been tested positive for intolerances to gluten.  I, therefore, do not recommend a completely sugar free diet... just make sure that your sugar intake is in the form of fruit, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

Nothing refined or processed should ever form a part of a healthy diet.

I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to 

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Dr. Fruit

We all know that fruit is healthy and should be part of a healthy diet.  But fruit actually goes one step further and can help improve some illnesses, for example:

1.  Apples:

This is a very complete fruit.  It is packed full of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, so it is recommended for prevention diets for cardiovascular risk, degenerative diseases and cancer.  It is very diuretic because of its moderate content in potassium, and is recommended for the dietetic treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension or for water retention.

This fruit can also help you when you are either constipated or suffering from diarrhea.  Raw apples with their skin are laxative, however if you peel them, grate them and let them turn a bit brown they become astringent.  They also contain tannins that have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that dry out and reduce swelling of the intestinal mucosa, which makes it ideal for cases of diarrhea.  The tannins appear when the pulp of the apple turns brown after peeling and grating.

2.  Watermelon:

Love this in the summer!  It contains loads of water which makes it a great way to hydrate in hot weather.  It is also very diuretic which means it is great for people with kidney stones, uric acid, hypertension and diseases that cause water retention.

3.  Kiwi:

These are very high in vitamin C and are a great antioxidant which means they lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, degenerative diseases and cancer.  The vitamin C increases the absorption of iron found naturally in foods, which is why Kiwis are recommended in cases of anemia.

Kiwis also have lots of fibre which means they have laxative properties, to prevent constipation, they also help reduce cholesterol and help to maintain good glycemic control in diabetics.

4. Melon:

High in water, this fruit is a great way to stay hydrated in the summer and it is very low in calories.  It also contains beta-carotene or provitamin A which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, degenerative diseases and cancer.  Some people do not tolerate citrus fruits well and melon is ideal for these people.  It is rich in potassium, and therefore is very diuretic for people with hypertension, heart problems and water retention.

5. Peaches:

Peaches are indicated in cases of anemia and loss of appetite as they are high in iron.  They are considered a great restorative and if eaten before a meal they will stimulate the appetite and act as a tonic and are purifying.

6. Cherries:

They are full of ellagic acid which has antioxidant properties and is also antiseptic, which helps combat infections.  They also improve intestinal function and constipation, block free radicals that modify the "bad" cholesterol (LDL) which also helps reduce cardiovascular risk.  Cherries also have a beneficial effect in cases of hyperuricemia, gout and hypertension.

Now, my advice is that fruit should always be eaten first thing in the morning or 1 hour before a meal or 2 to 3 hours after a meal - NEVER AS DESSERT!  Also the whole fruit should always be eaten NEVER AS JUICE.  Fruit is very high in fibre which counteracts the amount of sugar it has.  When made into juice the fibre is removed and only the sugar is left.

I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Fermented pharmacy

As promised, here is the follow on from last week.

Many specialists refer to the digestive system as the second brain.  In fact, it is the only other organ that produces the neurotransmitter serotonin or the "happy hormone" - it actually produces MORE than your brain does.

So, brain and digestive health go hand in hand.  Your gut is also home to a countless number of bacteria - both good and bad.  These bacteria outnumber your body's cells by 10 to 1 - at least.  It is very important to maintain the ideal balance of good and bad bacteria as this balance forms the foundation for good health - physical, mental and emotional.

It is believed that most disease originates in your digestive system - this includes both physical and mental disease.  Some examples are:

  • Lupus
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Kidney problems
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Urinary conditions
  • Allergic and atopic conditions
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases
To name but a few.

In order to have a healthy gut, it is recommended to incorporate fermented foods into the diet.  Fermented foods are some of the best chelators available - a chelator is a substance that removes other toxic substances from the body.  The beneficial bacteria in fermented foods are very potent detoxifiers, capable of drawing out a wide range of toxins and heavy metals.

So, here are seven of the top fermented foods for you to incorporate into your diet:
  1. Kombucha: I've spoken of this before.  This is a fermented black tea that gives you a really great bacterial kick as it contains a great variety of microorganisms.  Just keep and eye on the sugar!
  2. Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage has a powerful impact on brain health, including depression and anxiety.
  3. Pickles: This common food isn't often though of as a healthy food.  However, they provide a healthy dose of probiotics.
  4. Coconut Yogurt:  You all know my love of all things coconut, so I could hardly leave it out of this post!  This is a dairy free way of getting the probiotic potential of yogurt - there are many easy recipes available on the Internet.
  5. Miso:  Miso paste is made from fermented soybeans and grains and is packed full of essential minerals such as potassium, and consists of millions of microorganisms.
  6. Tempeh or fermented soybeans is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids.  You can add this to a salad or as a sandwich filler.
  7. Kimchi: This is a Korean dish typically made from fermented cabbage, it can help enhance digestion and nutrient assimilation - it can also improve your skin.
You also don't need to go crazy either, you only need between a quarter to half a cup of fermented vegetables or cultured foods such as yogurt per day.

So get cracking!  You can find loads of recipes on the Internet!

I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to 

Thursday, 10 July 2014

How what you eat NOW can affect your future children

Yes, I have ranted and raged about processed foods, too much sugar, and too much salt for years.  However, until relatively recently the clinical studies that were published were biased, for example:
"The Importance of Breakfast Cereals" sponsored by Kelloggs or
"The need for milk produce on a daily basis." sponsored by Danone
Yes, I made these up to make a point.  Clinical trials and studies cost money and until relatively recently the people with the money were the big companies such as Danone, Kelloggs, Coca Cola, etc..

However, over the last few years, we are getting more and more unbiased information from studies carried out at universities with public funding, studies that have not succumbed to the pressure of the lobbyists for the big food companies.

One such study shocked me this week; Dr. Ian Myles from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is the lead author on a study published in Nutrition Journal, which looked at the effect the Western diet and lifestyle has on people's immune function.

Unsurprisingly, it found that processed and junk food were to blame for the whole host of problems such as; increased inflammation, reduced control of infection, increased risks of cancer, and increased risk for allergies and auto-inflammatory disease.

Now, as if this wasn't scary enough, the study authors go on to explain that poor dietary choices get
"encoded" into both DNA scaffolding and into the gut microbiome (environment).  This means that food and lifestyle choices can create permanent changes in the balance of bacteria in our bodies which can cause the immune system to weaken.  This also means that those changes can be passed onto our children during pregnancy.

Dr. Myles says he was surprised by how heavily gut bacteria determined a child's health:
"Our bodies are a kind of mini-ecosystem, and anything that disturbs our bacteria can alter our health in profound ways," he says.
Dr. Mercola has written extensively on the importance of gut health and the flora contained within, and how any disruption can lead to many health problems in the future, here is a brief summary of what he has to say:
"Research shows that your gut flora can affect numerous processes in your body, including your metabolism, energy production, nutrition, and genetic expression.
"Your intestinal microflora is unique, although your will likely have one of three general "communities" of bacteria.  This microbial balance is exceptionally sensitive to environmental conditions, beginning at birth.  Children who are born with severely damaged gut flora are not only more susceptible to disease; they are also more susceptible to vaccine damage.
"Choice of foods can alter your microflora in a matter of days, for better or worse.  The ideal way to optimize your gut flora is to include fermented foods in your daily diet.  While most probiotic supplements contain no more than 10 billion colony-forming units, one serving of fermented vegetables can contain 10 TRILLION colony-forming units of bacteria.  Fermented foods also give you a wide variety of beneficial bacteria, so all in all, it's your most cost effective alternative."

Next week, I'll talk about fermented foods.  Also, one thing we should all remember on a daily basis:

If it has an ingredient label, you really shouldn't be eating it!

  I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to