The benefits of coconut water:
- Coconut water is a refreshing drink to beat any thirst and has been marketed to the health conscious sports fanatics as a healthier option than commercial brands such as Gatorade or Aquarius. Coconut water is packed with simple sugar, electrolytes and minerals to replenish hydration levels in the body after a workout.
- Studies have suggested that the cytokinins (kinetin and trans-zeatin) found in coconut water have shown significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic and anti-thrombotic effects.
- Coconut water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA-polymerases, etc.. All these enzymes help during the digestive process and with metabolism.
- Even though its consistency doesn't suggest much, coconut water is actually full of minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc.
- Coconut water is also a good source of B vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine and folates.
- In many tropical regions, coconut water has been given to patients with diarrhea to replace the loss of fluids from the gastrointestinal tract and therefore, reduce the need for intravenous therapy. This is due to the high content in potassium, just 100ml of coconut water has 250mg of potassium and 106mg of sodium. Together, these electrolytes help replenish electrolyte deficiency in the body.
The benefits of Aloe Vera:
- Aloe Vera juice is full of vitamins including A, C, E, folic acid, B1, B2, B3, B6 and is one of the few plants that contains B12 which helps with brain and nervous system function.
- It is also rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, sodium, iron and potassium. It is also full of amino and fatty acids which help with overcoming indigestion and stops bloating.
- Similar to other super foods like chia seeds and seaweed, aloe vera is a gelatinous plant food and adaptogen, which boosts the body's natural ability to resist illness and also helps to eliminate toxins.
- It can also be used topically to treat psoriasis and burns.
- It helps with promoting immunity, cleansing and good skin health.
- Aloe Vera has often been used to help with the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and has also been shown to help with acid reflux.
So which one are you going to go for?
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I can help you improve your health. If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to
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