Thursday, 20 August 2015

Lose weight the delicious way...

That ominous word... DIET... instantly conjures up mental images of grilled chicken breast with lettuce and... not much else.

If you read this blog regularly you'll know by now that I am not a chicken and lettuce believer, in fact here are 18 FAT BURNING FOODS that are deliciously full of healthful nutrients that will not only help you lose weight, but you'll love every moment of your "diet".

In my opinion foods with a label aren't foods at all.  On the whole we eat way to many foods that are so refined their nutritional content is severely lacking.  Nutrient dense foods will supply you  with everything you need and keep you feeling fuller for longer, helping to beat those pesky cravings and making your diet much more successful.

So, polish off your knife and fork and unlock the kitchen, it's time to EAT!

1.  Coconut.  Love coconut!  Packed full of healthy fats in the form of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) which are broken down by the body and used for energy production, effectively kickstarting your metabolism.  You can use coconut oil for cooking, it supports higher temperatures and you need a lot less than other oils.   Raw coconut as a snack between meals is also great especially if you are on the go.

2.  Green Leafy Vegetables.  Packed with vitamin A and C as well as calcium, green leafy vegetables are a great way of reducing oxidative stress in the body.  Eating green leafy vegetables reduces stress hormones in the body so they don't get stored as belly fat.

3.  Avocado.  My all time favorite.  You must get avocado in your life.  Bursting with healthy fats and fiber, avocados boost your metabolism and accelerates the conversion of fat into energy.  They also fill you up for a long time.  I quite often recommend avocados for breakfast for hungry people who say that fruit just doesn't do it for them in the mornings.  Avocado really hits the spot providing energy and filling you up.

4.  Fish.  Especially oily fish such as wild salmon, mackerel, tuna, etc...  Packed with Omega-3 which is really good for your brain, fish also have a positive effect on Leptin.  This hormone regulates fat storage, so eating fish which has a positive effect on Leptin will keep you in control of your weight.

5.  Lean organic meats.  Animal protein is an important component of a healthy diet, it helps repair damaged areas of the body and provides essential amino acids.  It also has a thermogenic effect which means it makes your body burn more calories to digest it (remember my post about Negative Calorie Foods?)

6.  Green Tea.  Not so filling I'm afraid but green tea contains catechins.  These are a type of phytochemical that has an effect on metabolism which then promotes fat oxidation and thermogenesis, as it degrades norepinephrine, the fat burning hormone.

7.  Cinnamon.  Swirl your green tea with a stick of cinnamon.  Cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels which in turn will reduce your cravings and stop you feeling sluggish mid afternoon.

8.  Chillies and Peppers.  Another negative calorie source.  Capsaicin is a compound found in chillies and peppers which helps protein structures in the body to break down fat.  The hotter the better, just be careful!

9.  Grapefruit.  This is one you need to be "wary" of in some cases.  Grapefruits have been found to lower insulin levels in the body which stops you from storing more fat.  Just be careful as grapefruits can stop the proper absorption of certain medicines.

10.  Tomatoes.  Deliciously ripe and bright red they are packed with vitamin C an lycopene, a brilliant antioxidant which helps the oxidation process.  Don't peel them as the lycopene is found just beneath the skin.

11.  Eggs.  Supreme quality protein, forget about all the high cholesterol bad press they've had for years - dietary cholesterol does very little to effect cholesterol levels in the body.  The protein in eggs will keep you feeling fuller, so an omelette for breakfast is a great way to get up and go!

12.  Flaxseeds.  As with oily fish, flaxseeds are packed full of Omega-3 fatty acids.  They attract toxins in the fat deposits of the body and help with their elimination.

13.  Nuts.  Glorious nuts.  High calorie but very healthful.  Raw nuts are very nutritious and are a great source of magnesium which helps boost your mood.  Nuts help control weight, reduce heart disease and also diabetes.  A study found that people who ate a handful of nuts 3-5 times a week, lived longer than those who didn't.

14.  Broccoli.  Another one of my favorites.  Lightly steamed and drizzled with a little melted butter... yum!  Packed with fiber, sulforaphane and calcium, this is a superfood.  Eat as much as you want, there is nothing bad to be said for broccoli.

15.  Quinoa.  I have re-discovered this recently.  I tried it once years ago and was not impressed, but recently I found the most amazing salad recipe using quinoa as a base and I have been converted.  Gluten free, quinoa is packed with lots of vitamins and also has a lo GI score so your glucose levels will remain stable.

16.  Lentils.  High in fiber which stops your glucose levels taking a nose dive, they will also keep hunger at bay.  They are also high in iron, but you will need to eat them with tomato to better absorb the iron content.

17.  Bananas.  The starch found in bananas turns into a fatty acid in the gut which metabolizes fats and helps decrease obesity.  They are also high in potassium and tryptophan so can help with depression.

18.  Spices.  Variety is the spice of life, but spicing up your food can help your waistline.  Cayenne is a hot spice but it helps lower blood glucose levels and reduces the risk of excess insulin storing fat.  Turmeric is the highest known sources of betacarotene which is a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver from free radical damage.

So, there you have it.  Now you can get on with eating your way to the body you've always wanted.

I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to

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