Thursday 19 May 2016

Tom Hanks is a "total idiot"

At least those are his words.  Tom Hanks at the age of 59 has said he was "a total idiot" for the way he ate when he was younger.  Hanks was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2013;
"I'm part of the lazy American generation that has blindly kept dancing through the party and now finds ourselves with a malady".
And how right he is.  So many of Hanks' generation have lived through evolutionary times when history was made, the sexual revolution happened, doctors advertised cigarettes, drugs happened, AIDS happened, saturated fat was condemned, cancer statistics went up and up along with heart disease statistics... They were wild times when people were free from the restrictions of what was seen to be appropriate and living and loving life to the fullest, but most of all they were times when everyone thought,
"It won't happen to me."

The "devil may care" attitude of many from that generation has meant that they are now having to face up to the hard truth of serious diseases.

Unfortunately though, it isn't just that generation.

Most people believe "that won't happen to me"... that they can tempt fate and get away with it and some will, but most won't.

Today, we know so much more about how food, alcohol and drugs affect our bodies and, if we don't look after them, we will pay the price.

Looking after your health is so easy - if you want to.

Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and some cancers are associated with diet and sedentary lifestyles.  We know this for a fact.  We also know for a fact that the human body needs constant movement for good health.

However, there is so much conflicting information in the press and on the Internet, that I am not surprised that many are confused.  Just this week I have read one article based on 60 clinical studies that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that exercise does not make you lose weight.  And another one today that says that "exercise not diet is the key to weight loss".  And that's just this week.

Thing is, it's the mix of everything, now this may sound very daunting but what we DO know is that eating processed junk food, sitting at a desk all day and not taking regular exercise lead to all of the aforementioned diseases and then some.

Our grandparents and great grandparents had much more active lives.  Not everyone had a car, not everyone had a washing machine or dryer.  Many had to make their own bread, wash their own clothes, sweep floors, and got to work.  This constant moving is the healthiest form of exercise that exists.

Exercise alone does not do much to help you lose weight - yes, I know, it's frustrating.  You've probably been punishing yourself at the gym trying to get your beach body for this year and it just isn't happening.  Well now you know why.

It is the COMBINATION of eating less AND exercise that is the secret to success.

The problem is, if you workout you usually tend to compensate for the calories you think you've burned and give yourself a treat or eat more probably without even realizing it.

On the other hand, calorie restriction alone - as in eating less and not exercising can be slow, painfully hungry and down right boring.

But if you actually sit down and analyze how much you eat and how much you SHOULD be eating you will find you are eating a lot more than you actually need and probably the wrong types of foods.

Switching to a fresh food diet instead of a fast food processed diet means that you will eat less, feel more satisfied, improve your health and you will lose weight if necessary.  Eating whole foods that are fresh and prepared at home will help you in all aspects of your health - even your brain will function better.

So take the challenge:

Over the course of a week, write down every single thing you eat and drink when you consume it - don't wait until the end of the day as you won't remember everything - trust me, it's a human trait.  Also write down how many times you get up during your work day, if you go to the gym, etc...

Once the week is up - and I mean all 7 days, sit down and analyze exactly what you have eaten over that period of time, and see where you can make changes to make your diet healthier and add more movement.

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle acquired disease.  This means you get it because your lifestyle is
unhealthy.  It also means that you can reverse it by changing your lifestyle to a healthier one - although the pharmaceutical companies would prefer you believe that once you get it you're stuck with it for life, that way they have YET ANOTHER life-long client buying their pills.

Tom Hanks has admitted it was his fault he got type 2 diabetes and it could have been avoided had he eaten better, so what are you going to do?

If anyone needs any help with tweaking their lifestyle, just drop me a line at, good luck, and I'd love to hear from you!

I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to

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