Thursday, 23 January 2014

The Obesity Problem

It seems to me that there is lots in the news lately about obesity and sugar, but even though there is now more information than ever available to the public, the obesity epidemic isn't getting any better.

It's a fact that the developed world has a serious obesity problem, some call it an epidemic.  Obesity causes a whole host of health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc..  You've all heard me talk about this incessantly.

I was truly saddened to read an article this week about a survey carried out on 550 obese people by Nuffield Health in the UK.  The results say:

  • One in five obese adults would rather be fat than have to watch what they eat.
  • 17% admitted they have never tried to lose weight.
  • 48% are resigned to remaining obese because they lack the will power to diet.
  • A quarter of those surveyed said that they don't have time to exercise.
  • One in seven said they would rather risk their health by being over weight than to have to exercise.
The researchers also surveyed 3,100 British adults who were of varying weights:
  • 39% of people claim not to eat healthily  because it's too expensive.
  • 14% think they lack time to prepare a healthy meal.
  • 10% said they didn't know how to eat healthily.
  • 40% said that seeing obese people in their area of residence is a common occurrence.
  • 38% said childhood obesity is normal.
  • 43% want stricter regulations on "unhealthy" food and drink chains sponsoring high profile events.
  • 40% said school meals should be regulated.
  • 55% said the blame lies in the food industry.
So, who really is to blame for obesity?

The food industry:
Our food has changed beyond recognition in just a few decades.  Our grandparents ate meat, fruit, and vegetables - healthy home cooked meals produced from scratch.

Industrially produced "food" such as hot dogs, doughnuts, biscuits, hamburgers, etc., did not exist.  The problem with the industrialization of food is that it has stopped being food.  It is highly processed, and packed full of additives to give it a longer shelf life.  Even fruit and vegetables are picked early and shipped long distances reducing their nutrient quality and they are also covered in pesticides, and don't even get me started on GMO produce!  Meat and fish are farm produced and are fed on anything other than their natural food.  Cows are shot full of steroids and antibiotics to make them grow bigger quicker - the same happens with chickens.

We are constantly assaulted with advertising from major food corporations such as McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, KFC, Coca Cola, Pepsi Co. - where you can get a quick and easy "meal" for your hectic lifestyle.  Soft drinks are packed full of sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFC).   

I could go on and on about the food industry but this post would be too long and I'd probably bore you!

Medical Staff/ Government Bodies:
This is a tough one.  Lots of GPs are over worked and don't have the time to dedicate to people with a complicated problem such as obesity.  There is next to no help subsidized by the health service and surgery seems to be the main solution.  Bariatric surgery or gastric bands have many associated risks.

From what I read in the news, lots of people have found help through slimming groups such as Weight Watchers or Slimming World, but not everyone can afford to join.

So how about the National Health starting slimming groups - providing information on how to eat healthily and exercise and support for those in need.  A major factor for success in dieting is to have the emotional and psychological support.

Could governments do more to restrict the good giants and make them reduce things like sugar and salt content and advertising?  A new group, Action on Sugar, that I talked about last week has just been put into action to challenge the food giants.  I wish them luck, it is never too late to try and change things.

The individual:
Our bodies' digestive systems have not changed in 10,000 years.  It was not designed to eat refined, processed foods high in sugar.  HFC is so anti-natural that our bodies can't cope with it.  Lots of people don't realize that our bodies are not equipped to cope with anything other than natural foods: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and poultry.

The human body was designed to live in a harsh world where food was scarce.  Our ancestors, the hunter-gatherers, lived mostly on what they could gather (fruit and vegetables) and what they could hunt.  And hunting was not an everyday occurrence.  These was no way of keeping food, so if they were lucky enough to catch an animal they had to eat it as quickly as possible before the meat went off.  They would then live off fruit and vegetables until they could catch another.  So, the human body, in those times, stored everything it got because it didn't know when it was going to get more food.

The body literally has not changed in this aspect.  It still stores everything as it still believes that it is living in an environment of scarce food and not in a world of abundance.

The fact that food abounds in all shapes, forms and flavors is literally killing us.  Our hunter-gatherer ancestors had to move a lot to catch their food, we have progressively become extremely sedentary.  We can even go to a drive-thru and not even have to even get out of the car to pick-up food.  Or we can have it delivered.

Obviously it is up to the individual as to WHAT they put in their body.  I really can't believe that people don't know about what is healthy and what isn't.  To me, it is obvious - but then I am a Clinical Nutritionist.

There are hundreds of excuses that people use to explain away their weight problem:
  • It's my genes.
  • I've tried every diet that exists and nothing works.
  • I lost weight and then put it all back on again.
  • I can't shift my baby weight.
  • I could comfort eat for England!
And so the excuses go on and on.

The simple truth is that diets don't work.  You may lose the weight initially but the minute you stop dieting it will come back - and then some.  Why?  The answer is simple, if the way you eat on a daily basis has made you fat, changing your diet and restricting certain foods will help you lose that weight.  However, the minute you go back to eating the way you did before you went on a diet, will just make you put all the weight back on again - just like it did the first time!

Any change in diet has to be a lifestyle change - forever, not just for a short period of time.

It really isn't rocket science.

So who do you think is to blame?

My opinion is that everyone is to blame.

The food industry for producing unhealthy food.
Medical staff and government bodies for allowing the food industry to do what ever it wants.
Humans... no one force feeds you.  You have a choice.  Eat healthy foods, there is loads of free information out there to tell you how.

My only worry is that healthy food seems to be too expensive for some people - that is a real problem.  When it's cheaper to buy a meal at McDonald's than it is to go to the supermarket and buy healthy food then there is a very real and worrying problem.

Social Nutrition:  You can make an appointment to improve your health with Social Nutrition either in person (Madrid) or online (Skype).  Just send an email to

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The war on sugar

Those of you who read my blog habitually will know how I feel about sugar.  It is deadly, it has been compared to heroin, cocaine and a whole host of health problems such as Diabetes.  A US-UK campaign group "Action on Sugar" has been set up to try to curb the amount of sugar hidden in our daily food choices.  They are now saying "sugar is the new tobacco" (Simon Capewell, professor of clinical epidemiology at the University of Liverpool).

It's about time, but there is still a lot of skepticism about the effects of sugar on our health.

Doctors and academics are saying that levels must be reduced by up to 30% in order to avoid "a wave of disease and death".
"Everywhere, sugary drinks and junk foods are now pressed on unsuspecting parents and children by a cynical industry focused on profit not health.  The obesity epidemic is generating a huge burden of disease and death.  Obesity and diabetes already cost the UK over 5 billion GBP a year.  Without regulation, these costs will exceed 50 billion GBP by 2050." Simon Capewell.
The average Brit consumes 12 teaspoons of sugar a day and some adults consume as many as 46 teaspoons.  The World Health Organization (WHO) stipulates that the recommended daily allowance is ten teaspoons/day, although this guideline is likely to be halved.

The UN agency says:
"There is overwhelming evidence coming out about sugar-sweetened beverages and other sugar consumption" being linked to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Graham MacGregor, a professor at the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine in London and Chairman of Action on Sugar, said:
"We must now tackle the obesity epidemic both in the UK and worldwide.
"We must start a coherent and structured plan to slowly reduce the amount of calories people consume by slowly taking out added sugar from foods and soft drinks."
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, the group's science director, said:
"Added sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever, and causes no feeling of satiety.
"Aside from being a major cause of obesity, there is increasing evidence that added sugar increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and fatty liver.
"We must particularly protect children from this public health hazard and the food industry needs to immediately reduce the amount of sugar that they are adding, particularly to children's foods, and stop targeting children with massive advertising for high calorie snacks and soft drinks."
When we think of how much sugar we consume, we tend to only think of the sugar we ADD as in added to coffee or tea.  But the truth is that sugar, along with salt, is used as a major preservative in foods to prolong shelf life, and also to make things taste better.

For years fat has been the big baddy in the food world.  Fat has been considered the culprit for the obesity epidemic.  But as you will know from my previous posts, not all fat is bad fat, and fat is essential for the body to function correctly.  There is proof that a high fat, low carb (sugar) diet reduces weight and improves health... Just remember what Sam did.

Food industry companies are allowed to market products as "healthy" if they have a reduced fat content, but more often than not, they up the sugar content to compensate for the loss of flavor resulting from the reduced fat content.  There is so much hidden sugar in our day to day living, that if you don't choose wisely you could be consuming a lot more than you think:

And this is just an example, yes, I do realize that these are typically British products and may not be available in your country, but similar products will have similar levels of sugar in them.
But still, even with all the evidence we now have about the effects of too much sugar on our bodies, there are people who still believe that sugar is not the culprit.  Maybe because it is in their best interest not to believe.  Most of these non believers are sugar manufacturers who obviously don't want to see their profits affected:

To quote but one, Barbara Gallani of the Food and Drink Federation denied that sugar was responsible for obesity; "Sugars, or any other nutrient for that matter, consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet are not a cause of obesity, to which there is no simple or single solution."

Professor Shrinath Reddy, a cardiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health and member of the WHO panel of experts, disputed Ms Gallani's conclusion:
"Overwhelming evidence coming out about sugar-sweetened beverages and other sugar consumption links to obesity, diabetes and even cardiovascular disease".
As I have said in previous posts, sugar is dangerous.  Sugar is a carbohydrate and as such is stored as fat in the body if not used immediately.  It causes blood sugar levels to rise which causes the body to produce insulin to reduce that level.  First you get a high from the sugar consumption and then you get a low from the insulin, this process causes you to crave more sweet foods which leads to overeating.  If overeating becomes a habit then weight gain follows and, if not controlled, can lead to obesity.  Obesity causes type 2 diabetes, and the scary thing is that you don't even need to be overweight to have type 2 diabetes.  Type 2 diabetes is known as a "lifestyle acquired disease", this means that we cause it ourselves through diet choices and lack of exercise, so surely, if we provoke it ourselves, it is in all of us to make the appropriate lifestyle changes to cure Type 2 Diabetes... because it can be cured.

Making the right choices about what you put into your body is so easy to do.  Yes, at the beginning you may find food seems boring, but believe me, your taste buds change, your body starts begging you for fresh healthy food, and the thought of poisoning yourself again become unimaginable.

I, like many, have a sweet tooth.  Years ago I quit sugar in tea and coffee and swapped it for
sweeteners, in January 2013 I went "cold turkey" on the sweeteners in tea and stopped drinking coffee because I don't like it unless it's sweet.  At the beginning, I found it hard to drink tea with no sweetener, but it only took about 5 days for me to get used to the new taste.  Four months ago I quit ALL sweeteners - I had a serious diet coke habit, but after investigating the effects of aspartame on our bodies I chose to eliminate all sweeteners, except Stevia, from my life.  The improvement has been amazing.  Yes, on day 2 of no sweeteners I had a massive headache that would not go away even with painkillers, but on day 3 the fog lifted and I started to feel better.  Gradually, the typical aches and pains in joints and muscles that I had experienced, disappeared, my mind is a lot clearer and I generally have more energy.

It is extremely important to stick to fresh whole foods; fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, fish, etc... If you need something sweet, eat fruit - even tropical fruits that tend to be sweeter!  It may be tough at the beginning but the effort is worth it and the changes you will experience will make you realize just what you were doing to yourself before.

It is also important to remember that some, so called, "healthy options" really aren't that healthy at all.   Shop bought orange juice is packed full of sugar.  If you want juice, squeeze it yourself and drink IMMEDIATELY, and I must say, it is much better for you body if you eat the orange instead of juicing it.  Low fat yogurts have also been found to contain up to 5 teaspoons of sugar!

So, good luck to Action on Sugar, they have my full support!

Social Nutrition:  You can make an appointment to improve your health with Social Nutrition either in person (Madrid) or online (Skype).  Just send an email to

Thursday, 9 January 2014

How to boost your energy naturally.

Yes, it's after the Holiday season and most are feeling bloated and sluggish from all the Holiday food and drink.  So, what can you do to get an energy boost when you're on your post Holiday diet?  Here are some natural energy boosters that are healthy and natural and not dangerous to your health like Red Bull or other such energy boosters.

Here are 10 of my favorites... but there are many more.

  1. Apples.  Apples provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals much needed by the body, including a great amount of natural fiber.  They are easy to take with you to work or in the car just remember to eat them on their own, not as dessert after lunch.  Much better as a mid morning snack or mid afternoon when you get those typical hunger pangs.
  2. Carrots.  Carrots are quite high in sugar, so you should consider them a carb.  But, like apples they are easy to transport and you can take them in a tupperware box or a plastic bag, cut into fingers, and are great to snack on or dip in Hummus.
  3. Hummus.  A Middle Eastern dish made from chickpeas that provides a nice source of energy that will keep you going for a long time.  You can make this an easy lunch or snack, and dip other healthy foods such as celery, carrots, cucumber, and pepper slices into it for a wholesome dish.
  4. Peppers.  I love peppers they are full of vitamin C.  They are also a great way to curb your appetite, if you are hungry between meals, reach for a pepper instead of a cookie.
  5. Pineapple.  This is a tropical fruit so very high in sugar so beware if you are a diabetic.  However, the good side to pineapples is they are high in manganese and Vitamin C.  As with all fruit, stick to it between meals or for breakfast for a tangy wake up in the morning never as a dessert .
  6. Cucumbers.  Cucumbers are a personal favorite of mine.  This vegetable, that appears to be
    mostly water and little else provides all 20 amino acids that the body needs and can only be obtained through diet.  They also contain Vitamin B5 which specifically helps to boosts energy levels.  You can eat them as a snack or add them to your salads.
  7. Strawberries.  Delicious and easy to carry into work.  They are packed full of Vitamin C, but please don't sugar them!  They are delicious as is.
  8. Broccoli.  This is a superfood, packed full of fiber, a whole range of different vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C a great antioxidant.  It makes an easy side dish to accompany any protein dish and you can even juice the stems.  
  9. Coconut.  Another personal favorite of mine.  You can eat them fresh and cut into chunks which will provide lots of fiber or you can drink coconut water instead of soft drinks.  Last year, coconut water was high on the celebrity lists of what to drink.  However, I do not endorse more than one a day.  Coconut water is very hydrating, so really good to keep you on the go if you've just done your daily workout and need to keep going.
  10. Avocado.  Lots of people are wary of avocados as they are very high in fat.  But avocados provide the right kind of fat which is essential for heart health and they are also packed full of fiber and potassium.  They are a great pick me up but again, don't forget Avocados are actually fruits so best to eat them alone between meals.  I like to add a little olive oil, a drop or two of fresh lemon juice and a little salt and black pepper.  Alternatively, if you like to juice, you can blend them into your juice to make a nice meal if you're on the go.
As I said at the top, there are many more healthful energy boosters such as Goji Berries, Pumpkin Seeds, trail mix, almonds, bananas, blueberries, oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice... maybe for a future post!

So, good health to you all this 2014, and I hope that you manage to reach optimal health.

Social Nutrition:
You can make an appointment to improve your health with Social Nutrition either in person (Madrid) or online (Skype).  Just send an email to