Thursday, 5 June 2014

It's not about being thin... it's about being healthy

In today's society it seems that if you aren't a size 0 then you are classed as fat.  Teenagers are faced on a daily basis with photos of skinny models and actors and they feel they have to look the same to be popular.  Fat people are bullied and openly shamed in public, many even admit to having few friends.  Others have admitted to having a "fat" friend because it makes them look more attractive.  To me this is a sorry world we live in.

Being skinny at all costs will damage your health just as much as being fat will.  Anorexia and bulimia are serious illnesses that have claimed many lives.  Being obese also has claimed many lives.  All of these illnesses put an extra burden on our already stretched public health services.  There are also many many women who spend their lives trying one fad diet after another, and lose weight only to regain it and more.  It is a very frustrating way to live.
Taking this into consideration, I think we need to learn ourselves and therefore teach our children about healthy living.  It isn't just what my body looks like, it is how I SEE my body.  I was shocked this week when I saw a video documentary about body image.  Taryn Brumfitt, the woman who made the video, asked women to use just one word to describe their bodies.  The result was so sad... every adjective used was negative: "Disgusting", "Fat", "Ugly"... it was so demoralising and very sad.  This is the way normal women (yes normal women not super models or actors), see themselves and I found it devastating.  How do we expect our daughters to feel if this is the way we talk about ourselves.  And it isn't just the women, there are also men out there suffering from anorexia, bulimia and obesity.

I strongly encourage you to watch Taryn's video... it might just change your point of view you can watch it here.

Now, how can we change this?  We have to stop thinking that "thin is in" and we have to think that healthy is beautiful.  What do you really want from life?  Most people want to be healthy and live a long enjoyable life with their loved ones.  

So how do you achieve that?

For starters it isn't just about your weight.  Mind and body go together.  You have to nourish the body and the mind.  The digestive system is the only other system in the body that generates neurotransmitters, so it is critical to treat the digestive system correctly... the rest will fall into place.

Processed foods packed full of sugar and salt, soft drinks, even diet drinks can only contribute to weight problems and harm health.  Being thin, doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy, and we definitely know that being overweight or obese isn't healthy.  But that is the key, to be healthy, if you eat healthily you will find your natural healthy weight with ease.  Your skin will glow, your hair will shine and you will have an abundance of natural energy - and yes, you've guessed it, your brain will work better than ever!

It has been demonstrated that a healthy body means a healthy mind.  Body image - the way we see ourselves and each other, is a major issue - especially for young people today.  We can't change the fashion industry's idea of what beautiful is or even Hollywood's idea... but we can talk to our children, we can tell them about airbrushing and photoshop, about make-up tricks and how most of what they are seeing in magazines today is fake.  Thanks to the Internet we can show them what celebrities look like with no make-up on.  We can talk to our children about the importance of being healthy and how eating whole foods in a plant based diet will make them just that.  We all talk to our children about how dangerous smoking and drugs are... so why not talk about how GOOD healthy food is and how it can prevent disease and also make, as I said before, their skin glow and hair shine!

With the F.I.T Method, my aim is to teach people how to eat correctly for their body.  One thing I have discovered is that weight loss is almost a side effect.  Eating correctly for your body, so it receives the essential nutrients it needs from fresh healthy foods is the goal, you will lose weight naturally as you go.  If we ate correctly none of us would be over weight to start with - so, what's your excuse for not looking after yourself?

    I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to

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