We are constantly confronted with top models airbrushed to perfection and headlines screaming out the next best diet that promises miracles in half an hour with no suffering. Women strive to be a size 0, while teenagers; boys and girls alike are struggling with Anorexia and Bulimia just to be accepted.
And, of course, there is the other side of the coin... obese and over weight people are turning to dangerous operations such as gastric bands and gastric bypasses to lose weight quickly. Childhood obesity is on the rise and children are being bullied about their weight. Obese people have admitted to being socially outcast and I have even spoken to people who have suffered mobbing in their workplace because their boss didn't like "fat" people.
We judge people on their appearance. We think we can form an opinion of someone just by what they look like. Well you can’t. For example, there are many reasons behind obesity, it isn’t just someone eating too much. Some people have serious psychological problems, others have illnesses which lead them to put on weight such as hypothyroidism, others have to take medication that makes them gain weight…
- 1/3 of adults worldwide are now overweight. The number has QUADRUPLED since 1980 in the developing world.
- In the UK alone 64% of adults are classed as obese.
- A global explosion means that 1.46 billion adults across the globe are obese or over weight (this means they have a Body Mass Index of over 25).
- Obesity = greater risk of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes and other health related issues.
- At 70% North America has the highest percentage of overweight adults, but regions such as Australasia and Southern Latin America are catching up with 63%.
- North Africa, the Middle East and Latin America saw overweight and obesity rates increase to a level similar to Europe, around 53%.
So why is this happening?
I think a lot of the problem is down to lifestyle choices. A poor diet and lack of exercise can lead to a whole host of health problems including weight gain, obesity, and as I said before, heart attacks, cancer, strokes, diabetes, etc..
Then add on that we are constantly bombarded with publicity from fast food companies and soft drink companies who are just dying to sell as much of their product as they can, and promise to make our lives so much easier as we can just pick up the phone and magically a pizza will appear on our doorstep, or Chinese food, or Indian, or… and the list goes on.
ALL fast food, processed food, soft drinks, basically anything with an ingredient label is packed full of vast amounts of sugar and salt. Both of which contribute vastly to weight gain.
This week, I was reading the press from the UK, on any given day there are various articles about diet, sugar, fat, etc., in fact this week on one day I saw these three headlines:
- "The hell of giving up sugar (and why it's worth all the agony in the end)..."
- "Rising obesity levels force NHS to spend extra 5.5 million pounds on adapting hospitals and buying specialist equipment to cope with overweight patients."
- "Slap a 20% 'health tax' on fizzy drinks. Experts call for action to slash UK sugar intake."
For years the government “health” bodies have been telling us that fat is the killer. We have a vast range of low fat and no fat products on the market all meant to magically make us thin - but they don’t. Ever since Senator George McGovern created the first ever dietary guidelines way back in 1977 we have had a health problem. At the time saturated fat consumption from animal sources was at an all time high in the States and so were heart attacks. It was therefore decided that heart attacks were being caused by the consumption of saturated fat. So the US Government decided that we should all be using vegetable oils and margarines to lower the consumption of saturated animal fat (e.g: butter). However health problems continued to increase - including heart attacks in a time when saturated fat consumption was at an all time low.
As it turns out, vegetable margarines which were marketed as the healthy substitute for animal fat, are packed full of trans fats and far more dangerous to your health than eating butter. One of my first ever posts on this blog was about trans fats… you can read it here.
However we are still on a low fat health kick. All you have to do is walk around a supermarket and see just how many low fat products there are. However, what you have to stop and think is that if you remove the fat from something you have to replace it with something else - otherwise it tastes pretty nasty! So what do they replace it with? SUGAR AND SALT.
We now know that the real killer is not fat at all and in fact our bodies need fat (in moderation), there are certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K) that are only soluble in the presence of fat. But still our governments publish food pyramids and food plates that tell us to eat carbs and just a little bit of animal protein - because of the fat content. Sugar and refined carbs are the real killer - so yes tax that sugar, make people healthier!
Refined sugar has no nutritional value, refined flour has no nutritional value, white rice has no nutritional value… Sugar and salt do you NO good at all. Stay natural and stay healthy.
- I can help you improve your health. If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to lucycarr@socialnutrition.com
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