Thursday, 13 November 2014

Whose fault is it that people are obese?

The amount of times I have heard that people who are over weight or obese only have themselves to blame.  But let's face it... is that true?  Obviously there is a certain responsibility we all have as to exactly what we put in our mouths, but maybe we can also blame others.

Nowadays, most people are spending eight hours a day stuck in an office where they are expected to stay at their desks at all times and get as much work done as possible.  Stress is high, and many eat lunch at their desks.  Then you have to get home - many stuck in traffic jams, others fighting through crowds to get on the next bus, metro, or train... or a combination of all three.  By the time you get home the last thing you want to have to deal with getting creative in the kitchen.  Take out, frozen pizza or a ready meal may seem far more appealing than actually having to check exactly what fresh ingredients you have in the fridge and kitchen cupboards and how can you turn what you have into a healthy nutritious meal for you and your family.

Also the high numbers of unemployed doesn't help either.  Lots of people are living on tight budgets and in countries like the USA where a McDonald's meal is cheaper and more filling than buying fresh ingredients at the supermarket don't make things any easier.  Also the amount of temptation we are faced with on a daily basis... delicious looking muffins, doughnuts, cakes and chocolate bars seem to be on every counter in every shop - not to mention the office vending machine.  Giving in to temptation seems to be all too easy.  I should know.  I have an incredible sweet tooth and even though my career means I have to practice what I preach, I find it hard to resist temptation and do give in every now and again.

So what if people are fat!  Well, I have to say there is a huge SO WHAT.  Obesity and being overweight leads to serious illness.  Very serious illnesses such as some forms of cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and joint problems - all of which are costing the public health services huge amounts of money.

In the UK, thousands of people are being paid sickness benefits because they are too fat to work.  This is costing the taxpayer 54million GBP.  Almost 12,000 people received Disability Living Allowance last year because they have metabolic disease - this is the medical term for the combination of obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure - all caused by... obesity.

There is so much that each individual can do to either combat obesity or not put on weight to start with.  If we look after ourselves - eat healthily and take regular exercise, then our risk of developing a serious illness drops dramatically.  I agree with Tam Fry, spokesman for the National Obesity Forum:
"Successive governments have made life too easy for too many obese people.  If the obese have a legitimate cause for their fatness - and there may be medical or genetic reasons - benefits should not be denied to them.  But getting long-term benefits simply for overeating is an insult to society."
Official figures for the UK state that nearly one in five British secondary school pupils and a quarter of adults are obese.  Also health experts are predicting that by 2050 the annual bill for obesity-related illnesses will have risen to 50 BILLION GBP a year, with almost two thirds of the population obese.

This means that public health services such as the NHS in the UK will go bust.  There simply won't be enough money to help these people with their illnesses and this also means that people who are not overweight and have other serious illnesses such as cancer will not be able to get treatment either.  In most cases, being overweight or obese is a lifestyle choice, it is caused by the individual.  Yes, there is too much temptation and the governments aren't doing enough to make sure that the food industry helps by cutting calories in food and drink and to help people make healthier choices.

But as individuals we can take control of our own diets and make the right decisions as to what we eat - that way the food industry will have to make changes or it will start losing huge amounts of money.  We have the power - the power to make changes, it is time for the individual to take control and force the food industry into serving us and our needs - not us filling their bank accounts.


I can help you improve your health.  If you would like to make an appointment with me either in person or via Skype, just send me an email to

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